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11 February 2009

Pickles and Ice Cream? No, I want Lulu the Lamb Stuffed Chair

I know that I have blogged about a few of my food cravings (yet, somehow, there are more egg posts than Cheeseburger in Paradise ones), but I really have not had those weird, pregnancy cravings that you hear women (and their ever-supportive husbands) talking about. I have pregnant friends - I won't name names - who get a craving for something and just HAVE TO HAVE IT. Right then. Right there. And, their husband better just go and get it for them. There was one time where I was kind of craving an Oreo Frosty from Wendy's, but I think I played it up to be more of a craving than it really was so I could convince David to find the nearest Wendy's and let me have it. I wanted it, I just wasn't going to flip out if I didn't get it.
So, instead of food cravings, I'm having baby product cravings. And by cravings, I mean I am becoming slightly OBSESSIVE about these baby products.

It all started when Dave and I decided to have our wedding photographer, Daniel, take belly shots of me....that kind of rolled into, "Oh, and we'll want newborn photographs too." Thus, began my search for examples of the two on the world wide web! For those of you brave enough, take a gander at an example of how we WON'T be posing. If you are over 18 and don't mind seeing some bare skin, click here. But, don't say I didn't warn you.

Anyway, after I found some other examples of pregnancy photos, I moved on to the really precious newborn shots from various photographers. And, that's where I found the props! As if the babies weren't adorable enough, they had to be photographed with some of the cutest things imaginable.

First, I got on a kick with these little baby cocoons. (I even tried to make one, but let me tell you, knitting scarves is about as much as I can do with yarn.)

Something is seriously wrong with you if you don't think that Peanut would be the cutest thing wrapped up in this cocoon.

Well, that search led me to this picture:

No, it wasn't the cocoon I wanted in that picture, it was the vintage scale! I have searched and scoured the internet trying to find this scale. Oh, I've seen hundreds of scales, just none of them as cute as the one in this picture. But, don't worry, I'm still searching!

So, after I spent hours searching for scales and cocoons, I focused my attention onto knit caps and am pretty sure this is the one I'm going to get. Have I mentioned that I LOVE Etsy?

Internet, can I get a collective, "Ahhhhhhh!!!"

At this point, I'm sure you are all wondering about the post title, scratching your head and saying, "Who or what is this Lulu the Lamb?" Well, folks, it's just the latest in my "cravings." I saw this stuffed chair used as a prop in a newborn photography session and really wanted it. I found it a few weeks ago and tried to hint to Grandma Cooper about how Baby Girl wanted it, and upon realizing that I wasn't going to get it from her, I went today to order it myself. Well, Babystyle is going out of business, so their internet sales have stopped. I found a store in Sherman Oaks that has one (30% off!), but they won't ship it, and Sherman Oaks is just a little too far, especially since David thinks that Lulu is ugly. Judge for yourselves:

I know...he's cold-hearted! So, I am totally stretching it here and am begging Michele to ask her District Manager (who lives in LA and oversees an Aveda store at the mall where this Babystyle store is) to pick it up for me and transport it up to Santa Barbara the next time he comes....which just happens to be tomorrow! Even if I have to wait until he comes again next month, I think we'll be long as I know we have it.

And, besides, with these cravings, as opposed to those of the Ding Dong and Frosty variety, not only am I stimulating the economy, but I'm also doing my part in keeping the scale I have to step on every two weeks from making huge jumps to the right!


Jillian said...

Ummmmm, that picture with the long stocking cap on the baby is quite possibly THE cutest thing I have ever seen!
And I just can't believe you don't want to go all Demi and Brtiney for your photos! ;)

Lauren said...

Amanda, I can't thank you enough for this post! Thursdays are VERY slow at the gym and you have now given me HOURS worth of searching to do on the internet! I already emailed you a vintage baby scale I found as well as two Lulu the Lamb chairs!!! :)

Mom Cooper said...

I feel bad that I didn't get you the "Lulu" chair (that could be a first....not getting you something you ask for that has to do with baby girl). Thanks Lauren for saving my you know what by finding Lulu for her. It is a cute chair and all but I have a feeling that baby girl will look ADORABLE no matter where she is or what she is on!!

Amanda said...

The knit cap and cocoon have been ordered!

And, Mom, DO NOT FEEL BAD! You have bought SO much for your granddaughter already. And, knowing that you and Dad will be here to help after she is born is such a relief to both David and me.

Irma said...

I love the Lulu chair! It is a must in a nursery!

Anonymous said...

HI, where were you able to find and buy that lulu lamb chair??? I have looked everywhere online and am not able to find it anywhere! Could you please contact me and let me know where I can actually purchase this at??? my email is

Thanks so much! Holly.