So, Friday afternoon, we loaded up the van with a motorcycle, a mattress, snacks, luggage, Magnum, and as much baby gear as the van could hold. Olivia did a great job on the way up, sleeping most of the way. We made a pit-stop in Chualar to get her a couple of milk shakes (tee hee hee) and went on our merry way.
We arrived at Soudy's house around 8:30 and what followed was something similar to a circus. Let's just say Soudy's house held 8 people, one baby and two humping dogs! It was great being able to introduce Olivia to everyone and it was nice for David to have the opportunity to have some guy-time. And, I got a little GNI (Girls Night In) hanging out with Olivia, Steph and Alyssa.
The trip was fast and furious, but we couldn't leave Palo Alto without introducing Olivia to La Costena!
She slept the entire way home (as did her father!). And, overall, we felt like it was a successful first road trip and are looking forward to the next two weekends of travel!

Soudy and Olivia hanging out.
Olivia and her first taste (sort of) of a La Costena burrito!
Is that a grin I see??? I mean on Olivia's face. Soudy seems happy to meet her!
Olivia, Grandpa Peter will be fighting you for that burrito!
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