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27 January 2012

Brain Dump {and a little TMI}

Sydney has gotten whatever it was that Olivia has/had and her poor little nose is running like a sugar train.  As a result, she is not sleeping unless she is attached to me, so little has been accomplished around the house and the Ergo has been my best friend.  David is currently wearing her and Olivia is eating dinner, so while I stuff my face with the yummiest pollo borracho I've ever made, I'm going to dump whatever's in my brain.

+ I haven't pulled out my actual camera in at least a week.  Therefore, all pictures in this post are from my iPhone.  And, I did my best to jazz them up with one of those fancy phone apps.  But, they're still pictures from my phone.

+ My parents have been absolute lifesavers for me this week.  I blogged about Tuesdays being wonderful, right?  Well, my mom came over on Wednesday, or at least I'm sure she did.  To be honest, I can't remember what Wednesday even looked like, but I'm pretty sure I've seen her all week.  Oh wait, now I remember.  We took Olivia to a new playground and then multiple tantrums occurred.  But that may be a different bullet point.  Anyway, yesterday, she called to say that Dad wasn't golfing and he would take Olivia to the park if we wanted to go walk Sydney.  Hallelujah.  An actual walk that didn't involve us stopping every ten minutes to encourage Olivia to stay in the stroller?!  Yes, please.   As if that wasn't enough, we went to Wendy's for lunch where he treated us to a Frosty, we ran to the Dollar Tree, and then we came home and he MOPPED. OUR. FLOORS!  God love that man.  He is too good to us.  {Mom too!}

Toddler boot camp.  It's going to be the latest trend.  You just wait and see.

Having too much fun at Toddler Boot Camp.

+ Speaking of Wendy's - have you all seen the new "freestyle" coke fountain machines?  I wanted to take a picture of the one at Wendy's, but there were too many people around and I was embarrassed!  But, there are over 100 drink options - you use the touch screen to choose diet coke and then you can choose all sorts of flavors to go with it.  I want to go back to Wendy's today just to use it again!

+  I can't remember if I have blogged about this or not, but we were doing really well with Olivia's potty training and then we had a little set back.  Long story short, I think Olivia wanted something to control and, well, she chose pottying to be that thing.  More specifically, pooping on the potty.  {Hey, you never know what you are going to get when you read this blog, do you?}  We were pretty much at our wits end, trying a zillion different things.  Well, when we were out looking for stuff to send to Jill in Guam, I found these little Mickey Mouse figurines at the Dollar Store and put them in the "Poopy Reward Box" and within two minutes of her seeing what she could get, she put a poopy in the potty.  Within the past 4 days, she's earned all four figurines.  {Thus, our trip to the Dollar Tree yesterday to get the Toy Story, Winnie the Pooh and Disney Princess figurines.}  Whatever it takes.

I will hold something back {like the picture of it}, but let's just say she earned Mickey while at the playground with Poppy!

+ We went on a short tricycle ride {YES, Olivia can ride a tricycle really well now} and had some fun at the play structure that's super close to our house.  We met a really nice mom with a little baby just a couple months younger than Sydney and, small world, she works with my other friend who we go on play dates with.

+  This just in:  Sydney is asleep!  And in her swing!  And, Olivia earned Belle from Beauty and the Beast!  {Too far?}

I cannot handle her cuteness.

+  I got these heart freezer trays in the dollar bin at Target a few weeks ago and they have turned into Olivia's new lunch plates.  It's so fun arranging the food in them and it's a lot more fun for her to eat them.

+ Another Dollar Tree find were these foam letters and numbers.  I bought a large bag of rice and Olivia had fun throwing rice finding the letters and putting them back in the puzzles.

+ This just in:  Sydney's awake.  So, I'm off.  Happy Friday, y'all!


Poppy said...

Gosh Sis, I m impressed that you got all this done in such a short time. Anyway, we had a blast at the play ground as usual and her outdoor potty experience was a re-run of when you were a little one. You remember that don't you?


Mom Cooper said...

It is fun spending time with you and the girls. However, I will be glad when everyone in your family is well again. It seems like lately everyday is a new experience with both of them. I am so glad to be able to share those precious times with them.