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02 July 2012

Spontaneity at its Finest

Sometimes it's the spur of the moment trips that are the most fun.  We didn't have much in the way of plans of going up to Flagstaff with David last week {Ummm, so I am just now getting a chance to finish this.'s been a little bit longer than last week.} since Sydney had been sick with a fever all weekend, but decided the night before we left that we would all go.  Traveling with kiddos is never easy, but it ended up being a really great trip where we got to see a lot of fun things.

Thankful she slept most of the way to Flagstaff.

She was so good too.

Flagstaff is such a cute town.  I really wish we had explored downtown a little bit, but we figured that since we were so close to the Grand Canyon, we might as well check that out.  I had never been before.  As it usually goes with two kiddos, Olivia came down with the fever that Sydney had so we had to keep her pumped full of Tylenol and Motrin.  Bless her heart, it was not so enjoyable walking around in the 98 degree heat when you are rocking a 100+ degree temp.  She sure was a trooper though.

Her pre-canyon treat.

The drive there was pretty enjoyable.  Great views and two sleeping babies!
{That NEVER happens!}

I LOVE dressing my girls alike, but never seem to get a picture! Hooray for doing it this time.

We only went to one area, so I'm sure we will go back again and explore more of the canyon.  It was so beautiful.

Her post-canyon treat.

On our way back to Flagstaff, we stopped by the Snow Bowl and decided to take a short hike on one of the trails before sunset.  You know, because we hadn't done enough stuff that day.  It was actually really beautiful -- walking through the aspen groves -- I'm glad David talked me into it.

To say we were all exhausted when we got home is putting it mildly.  I think I may have daydreamed about checking myself into the hospital for exhaustion at one point.  David woke me up around 1:30 in the morning to tell me he had broken the toilet in Olivia's bathroom.  The next morning, this is what I found.

We have no idea how that happened.

David did some work the next morning and in another This Never Happens sort of events, the three Michelson ladies all took a nap.  AT THE SAME TIME.  And, it was heavenly.  

We decided to do a little detour to Sedona on our way home.  In all my visits to Arizona, I had never been there either.  It was a fun afternoon, but again, it was hard on Olivia.  She was such a trooper and earned Smoothie #3.  God love her.

Thankfully, both girls ended up sleeping almost the entire way home {like up until we were about 3 minutes from our house}.  We got home right about the time we would be getting ready for bed so we ended up making a little pallet on the floor and watching Toy Story.

It was a fabulous trip and I'm so thankful that there are so many new places for us to explore here.  I'm looking forward to heading back up to Flagstaff again...especially in the wintertime to expose our girls to some snow!

1 comment:

Mom Cooper said...

Wow that was a lot packed in for such a short time away. Sorry the kiddos were not feeling so good. Although it did make for a pleasant car trip when they were both sleeping.