I've been staying up until almost midnight every night for the last several nights working on a couple different projects, all related to pictures. I could seriously use a week of 9-5, kid-free laptop time to organize all of my pictures and put together various photo albums. This staying up late and getting up early business is kicking my butt. I'm exhausted.
My bestie, Michele, is coming to visit next week {expect a little blog break from me as I will be enjoying her company} and so I have been trying to get Sydney's birthday slideshow done before she gets here.
Can you believe my baby is turning one?!
Needless to say, I've neglected the blog this last week. So, here are some pictures to catch you all up on what's been happenin'!
+ David took Olivia to her Meet the Creature class on Saturday while Sydney and I went to pick up Nana and Poppy from the airport. Here are a few of the creatures they met.
Ginormous rabbit
I don't even know what that is. But, it's gross. And we are never getting one for a pet.
Disgusting. I can't believe I am posting this picture.
Phew. Some cuteness. Olivia feeding a baby jackrabbit.
+ Sydney took a late morning nap the other day and Olivia and I enjoyed a little indoor picnic. Love being able to spend one-on-one time with each of my girls.
Decisions, decisions.
+ THIS is Sydney's new facial expression. Cracks me up.
+ Sweet girl has not been feeling well this week. The snot is literally pouring from her nose non-stop. We take like 3 baths a day sometimes because she is at least happy and comfortable there.
+ I've been playing with Olivia's food again. She requested a Strawberry Shortcake quesadilla. There's room for improvement...
+ Nana and Poppy met us for lunch after Olivia's dance class today. Sydney's pulling her stank face here.

+ And, last but not least, I am SO proud of Olivia and how far she has come with her swimming. As I looked back through pictures, I realized that she's been taking swimming lessons since the middle of January. The first few months of lessons were just one day a week, but for the duration of the summer, she has gone every Monday-Thursday. That's A HUGE commitment for her {and for her daddy who has taken her to the majority of lessons} and it has really paid off. When we first moved here last summer and would get in the pool, I would be a nervous wreck with her walking anywhere near the water, but now I am less anxious and we really enjoy being in the pool. She is now able to swim the length of our pool {under water and coming up for air}, she can tread water, she can float, she can dive to the bottom {even in the deep end} to go after toys, and she is fearless when it comes to jumping in off the sides. We will continue with the lessons, but are switching to Saturday classes for a few months. {I'll be glad to free up our evenings a bit!} To celebrate her last daily class of the summer, we got her an Ariel costume because, hello, mermaid. She was so excited to get it when she got home.

Phew, I think we are mostly caught up! Now, I'm just going to stay home tomorrow and do laundry so there won't be anything to blog about.
Except for the fact that it's Olivia's 40th Month birthday.
Life goes on...