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03 September 2012

What One Year Olds Do

Here are a few things that my sweet little Sydney is up to these days:

+  BOOM:  She's walking!!!  Yup, just like that she started taking a few solo steps.  Today, we counted 13 solo steps.  Won't be long before she walks without looking like a drunken baby Frankenstein.

+  She climbs everywhere.  Her favorite thing is to climb onto the dishwasher.  Crazy little monkey.

+  She faces forward in the car seat.  I seriously have felt so bad for her not getting any air blown on her  in the car, so I'm glad she is finally able to travel comfortably.

+  Well, I typed this up last night and then she didn't follow through, but for the most part she is sleeping through the night.  Thank you, sweet girl.  Mama really appreciates this.

+ Her favorite time of day is bath time.  So, sometimes bath time happens three times a day.

+  And, as of tonight, she is off the boobies.  Wahhh, wahhh.

1 comment:

Mom Cooper said...

Our baby girl is growing up way too fast, but I do enjoy watching all the new things she is doing. She is one precious little girl.