Now, on to last Saturday! We took the girls up to Morro Bay to explore the town for awhile. David used to live there, and I think we had only been a couple of times when we lived down here. I accidentally took the long way there, but it was a pretty drive, and thankfully no one got carsick. We parked downtown and took the girls out in the stroller to walk along the embarcadero. We walked down by the electric boats that you can rent and one of the employees let us get on with the girls. Olivia decided she definitely wants to come back and take the boat out.
We'd had a bit of a morning with Olivia, getting her attitude in check, and were hopeful that the afternoon would go smoothly. And, I'm happy to report that it did. She was really well-behaved and helpful, and earned herself a little basket of shells from the Shell Shop. {The pirate from Avila told her about that shop the night before.}
The girls needed to burn a little energy off, so we took them to the playground and let them run around until David's hunger pains started making him hangry. Nobody wants to see David hangry. He tried to find food at a couple of different places and the wait was longer than he wanted {even though he was hungry} and then he found a place with a short wait, came to find me, and by the time he got back in line, the wait was 20-30 minutes. I told him that from now on, when he needs to eat, just eat and don't worry about us! Yikes.

➹ My two pearls, right there. ➹
On Sunday morning, we met up with our old neighbors, Bill and Leslie, at Zorro's in Shell Beach. We told David we were taking him out for a belated Father's Day brunch since he was out of town on the actual Father's Day. We had a nice time catching up with them at the restaurant, and then we all took a walk down towards the beach. I left my phone and purse in the car, so I didn't get any pictures of our time together. {So, does that mean it didn't happen?!}
We got home about a half hour before Kendall and Kate came over. Their parents were going to a concert in Avila and we promised them that we would babysit the girls. Those girls are just the sweetest -- I would watch them any day of the week. We walked the girls down to a park right by our house to let them play. And, we got super lucky because Jacob and his mom came to the park to hang out with us too! It's so fun seeing everyone again. I love how we can hang out and it's like no time has passed, even though it's been a whole year.
➹ Super Dad! ➹
Praise the Lord, we kept all four blondies safe and sound, and we even managed to feed them a somewhat healthy dinner before Sarah and Doug picked them up! We can't wait for her to reciprocate on the babysitting part -- I know she won't have it as easy as we did! ;)
➹ Oh yeah, we could totally handle four kids. ➹
More great pics, Sis. I do Iove reading your blogs and seeing the kids have so much fun with their California friends. I'm happy you all are having a great time. We miss you though.
Love Poppy
I think you are doing great keeping up with the blog.I really enjoy seeing all the fun the girls are having with their friends.
Keep up the good work and continue to have fun.
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